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Anxiety coach helping you to overcome anxiety, panic disorder, and agoraphobia and experience long-term healing
Sick of people telling you that the solution to you not feeling anxious or experiencing panic attacks is to just do exposures every day, or cut out caffeine, meditate, do more breathing exercises, start journaling, or just go on medication?
Or maybe you've been told the good ole - Just use ice cubes or sour candies when you're having a panic attack!
(Eye roll!)
Trust me, I get it!
I've got good news, friend. These are NOT things you'll hear from me. Because you don't have to cope and manage your way through anxiety and fear.
Over here...
We overcome anxiety, panic disorder,
& agoraphobia!
Hey there! I'm Shannon.
I struggled with anxiety, panic disorder, and agoraphobia for 15 years. For years and years I tried it all - therapy, medication (which didn't work for me), supplements, breathing techniques, grounding practices... you name it, I tried it!
Back then, I was pretty convinced that I was just an anxious person and my life would always be full of anxiety and panic.
I used to struggle to leave my house every day. And whenever I stepped foot into a car I'd experience a panic attack. I was consumed by the physical, mental, and emotional symptoms. And my fears, although silly to most, were very real and very scary...
Just to shed light on a few of my fears: Feeling trapped and not being able to escape, passing out, dying, not being able to make it to a bathroom in time, going crazy, and never recovering.
And it's still kinda crazy to say this... But I no longer struggle with any of these things! I've been recovered for 7 years and my life looks wildly different than it used to! And ya know what, this is possible for you, too!
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