Annie is joining me in this podcast episode to talk about her personal journey with anxiety, panic disorder, and agoraphobia…and how medication has been supportive of her recovery journey! You might remember Annie from some of the Q&A podcast episodes she’s been a part of.
The last time Annie was on the podcast, she mentioned that medication wasn’t a helpful tool for her. And it’s funny how things have changed! Recently, Annie decided to give antidepressants another try. And this time, they have been incredibly supportive of her recovery journey. She’s here to talk all about it, so let’s get started!
Annie's History With Anxiety and Antidepressants
Annie shared that she has struggled with anxiety most of her life. It had always been present but manageable, up until about a year ago. Before that, Annie traveled often, worked, moved across the country, and did it all! When she had her first panic attack, things became much more difficult. She began to fear the next panic attack and started avoiding the places where she’d experienced panic before. Sound familiar?
She shared that she had taken an antidepressant for a few months when she was eighteen, and found it to be unsupportive to her recovery. So when Annie told me she was giving medication another shot, I was really surprised!
Why Annie Decided To Give Medication Another Try
Annie shared on the podcast that she has had some pretty crazy life changes in the past two years. She got engaged, married, her husband deployed, and she moved across the country! Being in such a transitional part of life forced Annie to stop ignoring her emotions…because she had lots of them! As we know, navigating anxiety and panic attacks can be extremely difficult, and Annie felt that she needed some extra support.
When her husband came home, she finally felt like she was in the place to give medication a shot. And so she did! Annie’s goal was never to make the anxiety go away completely but to learn how to manage it with helpful tools and healthy action. Lowering the volume of the anxiety has allowed her to practice what she’s learned in Panic to Peace, and make some serious progress in her recovery journey!
How Antidepressants Have Helped Her
Annie has been taking medication for anxiety for two months and has experienced an amazing shift in her recovery. She shared that anxiety still pops up, but things are starting to look a whole lot different. When anxiety pops up, she takes healthy action, and she no longer fears its presence. This is such a big change for Annie!
She shared that she struggled to leave her home at the beginning of the year, and even getting the mail would cause her to have a panic attack. Now, she goes to different places, tries new things, and does it with lots more ease.
Medication might not be the perfect tool for everyone, but it can be life-changing for others. Annie wanted to share her story with those who might be afraid of trying medication… because she’s been there! And, of course, always consult the help of a professional who knows your situation and can help you determine if trying medication is a good decision for you.
To hear even more about Annie’s story, make sure you listen to the full podcast episode!